"On the final and climactic day of the Feast, Jesus took his stand. He cried out, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way, just as the Scripture says. John 7:37-38 (MSG)
We've learned the first major element to produce a rainbow is light. That pure white light encompasses all the colors of the rainbow. Both the prophet, Ezekiel, and the Apostle John in Revelation describe rainbow imagery around the throne of God. We've also established that as Christ followers our bodies are the temple and Jesus occupies them. In John 8:12, as we saw in the last post, Jesus identifies Himself as the Light of the World. So, the Light of the World has residence in us -- body, soul & spirit -- and there's a rainbow!
In Matthew 5 before Jesus tells us that we are here to bring the light, he indicates that we have another role as well. Read Matthew 5:13. What else are we to be on the earth?
Salt is seasoning, of course! Salt also has another effect us. It creates thirst! Water quenches our thirst. Read John 7:37-38. What is available to quench our spiritual thirst? Where does it come from? What hapens when we drink of this living water?
Now just how cool is it to discover that this same Light of the World is also the endless supply of "Living Water?" Now go to Revelation 22:17 and discover one more fact about Living Water. What is that fact?
Jesus seated on the throne and His glory were highly impacting events in the lives of Isaiah, Ezekiel and John. Our hearts are intended as Christ's home -- His throne. Are our lives so full of the gifts of the Living Water and the Light of the World He so freely offers, that others see our lives as rainbows? Do the rivers of Living Water that flow from our innermost being make them thirsty for the Jesus in us?
God-Color Moment
It's free! We just have to come and drink it! Drink deeply today. Go to Jesus and ask Him to fill you up with His living water. Allow yourself to be immersed in His presence. This lesson is short. That may prompt you to quickly go about your other business. Please stop. Take the time. Spend that time splashing around in the Living Water today. Soak it up like a sponge. Squeeze it into your heart and soul and go back for more and more. It's FREE! And Jesus wants to give it to you in generous quantities! Coming to Him and drinking deeply in faith allows rivers, not trickles, of that life giving water to flow from our innermost being. Coupled with the Light of the World also residing within us -- WOW! What a rainbow He wishes to display all around us for all of His world to see!
Rainbow Photo from www.canstockphoto.com
Water Photo from www.multimedia-stock.com
All other material Copyright Lynn U. Watson, 2004, 2011
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"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill." ~~Matthew 5:14, The Message
When Isaiah saw the LORD high and lifted up and the train of his robe filling the temple he saw his brokenness. Isaiah was a man of unclean lips and lived among a people of unclean lips. He also experienced God's tender mercy, and he was a changed man. When God asked, "Who will go for us?", Isaiah answered, "Here I am, send me?"
Allow yourself to glimpse the Glory of the Lord, come to a deep realization of your own brokenness, and encounter God's amazing grace and mercy. For Isaiah it was crude language holding him back from being all God had for him to be.
I was battling some very unhealthy beliefs about food because of childhood trauma. For you it may be shopping, smoking, facebook, electronic connectivity of all kinds, career, uncontrolled anger, unhealthy relationships -- you fill in the blank. It's whatever is blocking the position reserved for Jesus on the throne of your heart. God eagerly awaits your invitation for Him to renovate your heart as He did Isaiah's. When you aknowledge your brokenness and receive the tender mercies of God, like Isaiah you will find the Light of Jesus shining more brightly through you like a city on a hill drawing others to Him.
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